Thursday, April 21, 2016

The High Desert and the Kingdom of God

What Does Mission in the High Desert Look Like?

It is the mission of the Church to see God worshipped where He is not, by those whom He is not. As John Piper says, “Mission exists because worship does not”. Therefore, the Mission of Jesus most often involves going to places where the shalom of God does not exist, and to expand the reign of His Kingdom. Such would probably be a good description of the place I have called home for most of my life. Here in the High Desert of Southern California, our culture and community faces many difficulties. Often our challenges are economic, but we also deal with things such as racial tension, and substance abuse. There is a suspicion and even a fear of our neighbors that has all but completely choked out any sense of community, and to many, any type of optimism about our desert community is mocked as sheer naivety. It is often the joke that everyone in the High Desert is looking for an opportunity to leave.

Breaking the Stronghold of Idolatry

I must admit, at times I have embraced such skepticism, however, something has repeatedly changed my perspective, and renewed my love for my community. As Christians, we live our lives on mission with Jesus in the world. As I stated earlier, mission exists because worship does not. While there are various difficulties faced by the desert community, they ultimately can all be traced back to the single issue of worship. Idolatrous worship, people pursuing peace, pleasure and prosperity, satisfaction, security and salvation, in things that cannot deliver. People looking for identity in their particular niche of the culture. So we see, the real issue behind our other issues, is worship. And that is why we are here…

Encouragement to Proclaim the Gospel

Let me encourage you, and perhaps challenge you, my fellow High Desert citizens. Together, God has called us to be His Church, here in this place. He has commissioned us to make Christ known in a place where He is not known, to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom to people who have not heard, that is why we are here.

Acts 17:26 tells us:  “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place.”

God has put you right where He wants you, to be a missionary to the people of your city - our city. Don’t like the culture of the city? What are you doing to change it? True transformation in the High Desert will take place when the Church lives on mission, when worship is transformed, and when the people of our city learn to shape the culture from their identity, rather than have their identity shaped by the culture, and to direct their worship to Him who truly satisfies. It really is a matter of worship. Let our prayer and purpose be that what Isaiah has written would be true of our desert home:

“The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad; the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the crocus; it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice with joy and singing.” Isaiah 35:1-2

Author: Chris Centola, Pastor at Oasis Community Church Hesperia CA

Monday, April 4, 2016

Take Time to Reflect on Life

This past week Sherri and I had a little rest and reflection with our kids during spring break . I thought I would share some of the thoughts that occurred to me while we enjoyed time together.  I like lists, lists are fun so….here goes.

1. Sabbath rest is both awesome and necessary.
Sometimes you need to know when to say: "It's time for some rest for the family and I." We spent most days at home together just enjoying the gift of our home and family. In past years we rushed to figure out what "great experience" we would give the kids.  This time we focused on justing being rather than doing.  Living room campouts, hide and go seek and a few movie nights were great simple things we enjoyed. 

2. I Love my Wife and Kids!
There is no one other than Jesus I would rather spend my time with.  The moments we laughed and giggled and snored with one another this week were awesome. Ephesians tells us that all families are named for our Father in heaven. If this week was just a glimpse of the eternal joy that awaits being with God forever, bring it on! 

3. I love Jesus!
Time away from work doesn’t equal time away from Jesus. Spending time with my bible and Jesus is precious to me. I was reminded of this again this week during a conversation with one of our Elders, He always knows the right questions to ask and the Holy Spirit gave me a great encouragement this week. Jesus first. 

4. I really love Oasis Community Church!
The family, community and relationships Sherri and I and the kids have with our family at Oasis are a true blessing from Jesus.  The community of love and care we have through the gospel is alive and well here.

5. There is still lots to do…
We have had a great wave of momentum coming out of Easter and the temptation to slow down and bask in the blessings is great, but now is the time to push forward on mission, in prayer and with great expectations.  Spring time is a time of planting and investing.  Who are you praying for and loving in Jesus name.